Tag Archives: Eric

The Mountains of My Life

Happy me just to be hiking outdoors. Yippee
Happy me just to be hiking outdoors. Yippee

Welcome to the “Mountains of My Life” series. Part 1 of 2

A brief intro to my thinking

I believe in building sub brands or naming/formalizing everything I can. This makes things more memorable. It can also provide opportunity to create acronyms; and as I used to work in the medical field, I take every opportunity possible to help the world have even more acronyms. Its the least I can do.

With that said, I have scheduled, at this point, three regular series: Mountains of My Life Monday (I know, it’s Tuesday), Hellish Hikes Tuesday, and Daily Dreams Wednesday. If anyone thinks of series titles that begin with “T” and “W” for the last two, that’d be cool. I only plan to post once a week, so that means it will be, at this point, 3 week before I post again for “MOMY” (and so the acronyms begin…).

This post is a meant only as a preview to the series, an introduction. Parts 1 and 2 together come nowhere close to covering all of the mountains, climbs and hikes of my life, but instead highlight my favorites. Furthermore, I try to be as succinct as possible in describing the climb, because each climb will have its own, in-depth post, as part of the series.

The Mountains of My Life

It’s lucky that I’m a great driver, otherwise I probably would have caused a ton of accidents by now as I looked out my car window, staring at the mountains like a man stares at a beautiful woman. Mountains are…precious to me. Here are some as a preview to the series. Each had a lesson for me.

Mount Superior: Rise Above the Fray

You see this pic??! ‘Nuff said, right?
Jeremii looking studly with Superior in reach
Jeremii looking studly as he approaches summit

Superior is amazing. My buddies Eric Miller, Jeremii Van Komen and I climbed it in November of some year that I can’t remember while we were all in college. We started out below the clouds and then went into the clouds and then climbed above the clouds. While we climbed, I was pretty bummed because for better or worse, in the end I climb for the views and to feel closer to God.

When I was stuck in the clouds, it was still enjoyable but certainly a let down, as the clouds obstructed the view. That disappointment hanging over me only made the summit, with its incredible, awe-inspiring views, that much sweeter. That’s a life lesson.

Eric and Jeremii looking studly
Eric and Jeremii looking Studly
Me, pausing to ponder the beauty
Me, pausing to ponder the beauty
Jeremii, looking down into Big Cottonwood
Perfectly formed bowl in the back is pure beauty
Looking down Little Cottonwood
Looking down Little Cottonwood, with Pfeifferhorn protruding in distance
Cardiac Ridge- aptly named
After kids are gone and wife prefers my life insurance money to my company, I’m gonna go ski this

King’s Peak: Never, Never, Never Give Up

When I climb and have my heart set on summiting, my thought is “the rest of the world be damned.” So, when my brother Dallin says to me, about 12 miles into the climb, early on the 2nd day, “Yo, I forgot to break in my new boots. They’re too small. I have an insane blister. I’m not making it, dude,” all I could think was, “Well, that sucks for you, man. See you in 8 hours.”

I think he saw the perturbed look on my face, and said, “You know, I’m gonna climb this thing in my Sanooks.” His Sanooks??! And he did it! Do you know the amount of scrambling on King’s Peak? I will go into more detail in a later post, but this is actually a great story. Oh, and he brought his fiancé on the hike, who I didn’t think had a prayer in hell of making it. But she did. The efforts of these two to finish the climb is a life lesson. More on this climb later (probably in “MOMY” and “HHT” series, each with their own slant).

King's Summit, after yet another false summit
King’s Summit, after yet another false summit
Dallin looking cool as always
Dallin looking cool as always. Rugged Uintas in back just make us seem tough, right?
13,528. That's high
13,528. That’s High.

Provo Peak: Choose Your Companions Wisely

As I said, I aim to hit the summit every time I climb. I’m not sure if I can live with myself if I don’t. I think we all want to reach the pinnacle of our lives, as well. And it’s hard for most of us to accept mediocrity or failure. We also want to get to where we’re going with the people we love, care about and enjoy being with. We certainly try to avoid associating with people that drag us down or hold us back.

The same is true in climbing and hiking. Now, I’ll say that my companions on the trek up Provo Peak are folks that I love, care about and enjoy being with. But, on this particular day, a couple of those companions held me back! I didn’t choose my companions wisely. This leads to another maxim: choose the right companions for the goal at hand. We didn’t summit, only made it to the ridge. And look, I’m still wigged out about it. I have to climb it again. (Note: These are still my best friends! Its just good to know before you go that people have to be to class by 5 🙂 If any of my friends on that hike are reading this, I still love you guys and I am not bitter in the least :)) But, choosing one’s companions wisely- that’s a life lesson.

Coming up over the ridge to pure spectacularness
Coming up over the ridge to pure spectacularness
Doesn't Ryan's Coon hat look awesome?
The friends at first were friends at last, but I was a little irked at not summiting 🙂
Derek, Jeremii and Ryan with Timp in back
Derek, Jeremii and Ryan with Timp in back

And that’s Part 1 of 2. Hope you enjoyed the pics as much as I did. I never tire of the views.